The Colombo to Anuradhapura train timetable offers several daily train services, providing convenient and affordable transportation between the cities. The journey takes around 4-5 hours, and passengers can choose between different train types, and classes, including A/C first-class, second-class, and third-class seats.
Train schedule from Colombo to Anuradhapura
Train Number | Train Name | Train Type | Frequency | Classes | Arrival/Colombo Fort | Departure/Colombo Fort | Arrival/Anuradhapura |
4077 | Yal Devi | Express | Daily | AC/2nd/3rd | 06:19 | 06:35 | 10:40 |
4017 | Uttara Devi | Intercity | Daily | AC/2nd/3rd | 11:40 | 11:50 | 15:29 |
4085 | Rajarata Rejini | Express | Daily | 2nd/3rd | 13:15 | 13:15 | 18:22 |
4089 | Jaffna Night Mail | Night Mail | Daily | 2nd/3rd | 20:00 | 20:00 | 00:25 |
Last updated: 2023-04-11
Tips when taking the trains
Take Yal Devi train if you want to reach Anuradhapura in the morning. It offers A/C first class(booking), 2nd class(booking/normal), and 3rd class(booking/normal). This train stops at many railway stations. Usually, it gets late to arrive at Anuradhapura.
Uttara Devi is an intercity train. It offers A/C first class(booking), 2nd class(booking/normal), and 3rd class(booking/normal). This train uses a powerset so you can enjoy a comfortable ride compared to other trains.
Rajarata Rejini usually gets crowded as it starts from Beliatta. There's an engine change at Colombo railway station which takes around 15-20 minutes. Pro tip: this train never comes on time.
If you planning to visit Anuradhapura at night, your only option is to take the night mail.
More details about the trains

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