Phase 2 of - The Dehiwala Railway Station landscaping & tree planting project was successfully carried out on the 2nd October, 2021 by Citigardens CSR team and volunteers and some private sponsors.
Quoting Citigardens Facebook post:
With favourable weather & once the watering system is in place, we hope to see these 38 plants take root and grow soon, providing shade and beauty to the newly developed Marine drive and the Dehiwala railway station.
A big THANK YOU to the Station Master - Mr. Gardihewa, for without his support and clearance this project would have been impossible. Also applause to Mr. Hilru Siddeeque (CEO - Citigarden) for taking the initiative to make this dream of beautifying this railway station a reality.
Also a big thank you to the participants for the programme today : Mr. Hilru and family, welwishers and volunteers retired SSP Mr. Anver and family, Mrs. Chris Wikramanayaka & daughter, Mr. Victor and son Ashley, Ms. Suwedini who contributed (from Canada) & not forgetting our helpers, Anver, Gamage and Ali.